



Do good, be rich in good works, generous, and ready to share… 
-1 Timothy 6:18

Thank you for your gift. Your generosity enables us to bless the lives of others and live into our “God-sized vision of love.”

Ways to Give


Cash and check contributions can be given during Sunday worship service or dropped off at the WPC office during business hours.


The easiest way to give is through Realm, our secure online community. Access Realm to set up your recurring donations,

or have the church draft monthly from your account (no fees).


Text Giving is a fast and easy way to make your offering. Simply text the word "wpc" and your amount to 73256.

Sustaining Our Future: Special Projects Campaign

The Sustaining Our Future Special Projects campaign will fund vital capital improvements, expand leadership, and promote legacy giving.

Memorial Gifts

Memorial Gifts are given to honor a loved one and continue their legacy of generosity or honor the values of someone special.

Special Offerings: Pentecost

The PC(USA)'s church-wide Special Offerings help share Christ's love with millions of people around the world during Pentecost.

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