



Thanks be to God for God’s indescribable gift!

-2 Cor. 9:15

Thank you for your gift. Your generosity enables us to bless the lives of others and live into our “God-sized vision of love.”

What is a pledge?

A pledge is an estimate of your giving to Westminster. You may increase or decrease your pledge amount at any time if your financial circumstances change.

Why should I pledge?

Pledging allows you to be intentional in your decisions about your financial giving. By reflecting on your faith and values, you can make a conscious decision on how you spend your money. Pledges also allow the session to be thoughtful in how to allocate the church’s resources in support of our mission. All pledges, no matter the amount, are significant to the life of our church.

Make a Financial Pledge

Stewardship is our grateful response to God’s goodness and the gifts he bestows.

Give Your Time and Talent

Jesus came to serve. Sharing of your abilities and your talents is another way of following Jesus's example.

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