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Gathered by the Spirit in Christ's name — sent to live out a God-sized vision of love.


You're invited to join us in person or online for worship on Sunday morning, and to take part in the many opportunities on our campus throughout the week. Westminster is a Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) congregation, and a member of Mission Presbytery. Have questions? Take a look at our FAQs section below.

  • How will we live out
    our vision? Because we
    that God is

    working among us
    , we:


Invite others beyond ourselves and foster stronger bonds within our congregation.


Offer ways to be encountered by God's living Word as the Bread of Life in order that we might be sustained, strengthened, and transformed.



Provide specific ways for all to discover their God-given gifts and call.


  • Intentionally consider where or to whom God is sending each of us.


Celebrate and share the stories of God's unfolding vision of love.

Frequently Asked Questions

When are your worship services?

 Sundays — In person and livestream worship at 11 am via Facebook or YouTube

11 am: Celebration of the Lord’s Supper on the first Sunday of the month.

The worship service follows the order of Service for the Lord’s Day, which includes reading of scriptures, singing of hymns, the gospel proclaimed, prayers of confession, intercession and thanksgiving and the opportunity to respond with the offering of our lives and resources back to God.

What do you believe?

With other Presbyterian Christians, we believe that, “In life and in death we belong to God. Through the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, the love of God, and the communion of the Holy Spirit, we trust in the one triune God, the Holy One of Israel, whom alone we worship and serve… With believers in every time and place, we rejoice that nothing in life or in death can separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord.” – A Brief Statement of Faith of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.)

With Christians of all traditions, we believe God’s Word was made flesh and dwelt among us in Jesus Christ, and that God the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit has been made known to us as the Creator, Redeemer, and Sustainer. With other Protestant Christians, we affirm the message of the scriptures that we are saved surely and solely by the grace of God, fully revealed to us in and through Jesus Christ.

As part of the Reformed Tradition of the Christian faith we also emphasize:

    The sovereignty of God in all things

    The election of God’s people for service as well as salvation

    The emphasis of a life based on covenant relationships

    Faithful stewardship of all that God gives to us, and

    The call of God’s people to work for the transformation of society.

What’s it like at WPC?

Our church life centers itself around weekly worship. Sunday classes for children and youth and adult Christian education classes happen at 9:30-10:45 am; a liturgical service happens at 11 am. We’d love for you to sign the red friendship register book at the end of each pew so we can have a record of your presence with us.

Feel free to move around and greet people during the “Passing of the Peace.” This is a nice time to meet people and know that you are welcome as one of God’s children. If you have a prayer request, please fill out a prayer request card located on the back of the pew and place it in the collection plate..

Can I receive communion even if I am not a member of Westminster?

Yes! This is not our table; this is Christ’s table. All are welcome.

Do children participate in 11 am Worship?

Children of all ages are welcome in Worship at Westminster. Children’s worship activity bags are located in the Children’s Library just outside the Sanctuary. The “worship bags” help keep little fingers busy and attentive during the service, with larger toys tucked away nearby. A nursery, located in Room 2 of the Education Wing, is always available during each service for infants and preschoolers.

How do I join?

Normally, each Sunday following the 11 am worship service, Elders are in the narthex and library to welcome you into membership or answer questions. The Session of Westminster Presbyterian Church welcomes all persons who believe in Jesus Christ into church membership. Membership at Westminster is more about connecting to a family of believers that have a passion for living the gospel of Jesus Christ, than simply signing a piece of paper.

Westminster seeks for everyone — guests as well as new or long-time members — to feel a sense of community and to grow in their own spiritual life in a church they can call home.

Is the Sanctuary accessible for everyone?

The WPC campus is fully accessible. Please park near the doors outside the Fellowship Hall in our parking lot off Carlton Rd. Follow the sidewalk and enter through the main set of double doors. Once inside, go straight down the hall to the elevator, which will take you upstairs and directly in the vicinity of the Sanctuary. All restrooms are also equipped with accessible features.

If you would like communion to be brought to your pew, please let an usher know at the beginning of the service.

We want you to feel comfortable and safe with us at WPC!

I’m interested in baptism at WPC.

Because Presbyterians believe baptism involves incorporation into a specific worshipping community, we invite those interested in baptizing their children to join WPC's ministry as a member and visit with pastors about baptism.

For more information about baptism at Westminster Presbyterian Church, please contact one of the pastors through the church office.

Contact a Pastor about Baptism →

I need information on the columbarium.

Westminster Presbyterian Church’s Columbarium provides a special place for inurnment of (depositing) cremated remains of deceased church members, pastors, and their families. The Columbarium contains 96 niches (compartments), each with the capacity for one urn (container).

Get more information on how to reserve a niche →

What’s the significance of the burning bush on the church logo and outdoor sign facing Exposition Boulevard?

Great question! Our symbol comes from the story of God’s call to Moses to lead the Hebrew people out of slavery in Egypt to the Promised Land. Ancient rabbis say that Moses’ awareness that the bush was burning without being consumed was what set him apart. The bush was burning strangely for all to see, but Moses was the one who noticed and stopped.

God calls and reaches out to us at each moment. At Westminster, we pray to be awake, aware, and open-hearted enough to recognize the “burning bushes” in our lives.

Will I be welcomed?

No matter who you are or where you are on life’s journey, you’re welcome here! We believe that God loves all people, and all are welcome at Westminster Presbyterian Church.

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