


Sunday School

Sunday School classes for youth begin at 9:45 a.m. in the Youth Room with snacks, games and sharing. Then we move into discussion-based Bible study. Westminster youth regularly participate in the leadership of worship as acolytes, scripture readers, and in other portions of the service. They lead a spirited Youth Sunday service each spring!

Youth (Grades 6-12)

Young people in grades 6 through 12 are invited to participate in Westminster’s youth ministry!

Want to stay up-to-date with all our programs and events for youth? Join our mailing list and receive a weekly WPC Youth Newsletter.

2024 Summer Mission Trip Is June 2-7 in Charleston, SC!

Do you want to donate funds to support WPC's youth mission trip? Click here!

We loved working with Youth Mission Co. in Dallas last year, so this year we are traveling to another one of their ministry sites: Charleston, SC! We'll stay at a local church and volunteer around the city, learning about poverty, food insecurity, race and ecology.

Mission Trips

Westminster youth participate in weeklong summer mission trips each year on a 3-year “distance rotation” so that every three years, youth will have visited a city close to home, somewhere a little further away, and an international destination. On these trips, we learn about the social issues that affect communities, explore God’s call to love our neighbors, and offer hands-on help to those in need.

Youth Group Fellowship

It's summertime! Youth group takes a break during the summer; classes and fellowship groups will resume in August/September. Stay in touch over the summer for movie and/or water park trips!

During the school year, you're invited to join us for fellowship on Sunday afternoons from 12-2 pm. We eat a meal together and stay busy with activities at the church or in the community. We regularly meet with youth from other Austin Presbyterian churches, too.

Confirmation Class

Confirmation is an opportunity for young people to reaffirm their baptismal vows (or be baptized) and become full voting members of the congregation. Confirmation class prepares them for this step into adult faith by instructing them in theology, worship, history, and traditions of the Presbyterian Church.

Confirmation class is held every other school year and is intended for 8th and 9th graders. Our next Confirmation class happens in 2025-26.

Mission Work

Our youth stay busy with mission work year-round.

Serving at the Trinity Center:

We gather at the Trinity Center at various times throughout the year to serve a meal and lead a worship service.

Souper Bowl of Caring

Each February, we compete with area youth groups to raise money for an organization dedicated to feeding those who struggle with food insecurity.

Trips to Mo-Ranch and John Knox Ranch

Weekend and day conferences give our youth a chance to hear great speakers, participate in small-group activities, and enjoy the company of other youth groups who are growing in their faith!

Mo-Ranch: Midwinters in January and Junior High Jubilee in the summer.

John Knox Ranch: Earth Day Service Day in April

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