Undocumented Stories: Storytelling & Dinner

Why do we listen to stories?
What stories do we tell ourselves?

“Stories have power. They don’t tell us what to think, but they have the power to make us feel. Stories have the power to go straight to a listener’s heart to break down walls and stereotypes.”

Join us for Undocumented Stories, a special event for all ages hosted in collaboration with Austin Presbyterian Theological Seminary. On World Communion Sunday, October 1, we will gather in WPC’s Fellowship Hall to hear the sacred stories of Austin residents who have lived as undocumented immigrants. A number of storytellers will share their experiences, then we will all share a delicious homemade meal. Childcare provided. This event is free and open to the public, but RSVP is required.

Date: Sunday, October 1
Time: 5-6:30 pm
Place: Westminster Presbyterian Church, Fellowship Hall
Childcare is provided!