Children in Worship













In their own way, children can help adults reexamine how they themselves engage in worship.
Westminster welcomes children of all ages in worship, believing that being part of a worshipping community is important to their spiritual formation.

We delight in having children of all ages in worship at Westminster!

Keep these things in mind when you worship with your children:
– It’s okay…
when children get loud, bump around, and spill things. There is no need to be embarrassed or apologize. Learning takes practice and really, we’re all learning to practice our faith!

– Children learn worship behaviors by copying you.
Sing the hymns, voice the responses, and pray through the service.

– Quietly explain what is happening in worship.
Point out concrete things like the water, the candles, the bread and cup. Talk with older children about the Affirmation of Faith or the differences between the prayers. Invite all to circle words they know in the bulletin papers, cross off things in the bulletin as they happen, or draw pictures from stories heard.

– We have activity bags for children.
They are in the children’s library between the western-facing windows. Toys and books are available in the same area.

– Feel free to come and go.
As children grow, their attention spans to last a whole service. For now, it’s fine to leave, try again later, and come back! As Jesus said, “Let the children come to me.” Parents are welcome to sit in either the adult library or children’s library during worship.

– We have a nursery.
Typically for children younger than 5, our nursery can give more active bodies the play space they need or our littlest ones the quiet space to cuddle and be rocked to nap. It’s in Room 2 of the Education Building, which has light blue doors and has a white flag over the door.

– Children are invited to participate in the worship service.
Often, we provide some way for children to be active in the service. Older children can acolyte or usher. Be in touch with Pastor Charlotte if you are interested.